Information for completing an online submission
NOTE: Entities that are not in good standing, automatically dissolved, or automatically withdrawn may have restrictions on the types of documents that can be filed. The Business Entity Search may be used to locate the status of an entity, or contact the Corporations Division by calling (517) 241-6470. Further information regarding the documents that an entity may submit is available in the chart provided here.
Table of Contents:
- System Requirements
- Online submission process
- Entering Data
- Problem with Data Types
- Contact Information
- Form Specific Information
- Optional Expedited Services
System Requirements:
The following is required to submit a document online:
- A browser supporting 128-bit encryption
- JavaScripting must be turned on
- You must allow per-session cookies
- A Visa, MasterCard, or Discover credit card to pay fees.
What are per-session cookies and why do I need to accept them?
- Per-session cookies are NOT stored on your hard drive, and they do not contain any personal information whatsoever.
- Per-session cookies are nothing more than a random, unique number generated when you first access the site.
- Per-session cookies disappear as soon as you close your browser, or they will time-out after 20 minutes.
Online Submission Process:
Note: Using the web browser’s back button will clear all data that has been entered.
- If you are forming a new entity, you do not log-in to the online filing system. Instead, select the Click Here button and select the appropriate form.
- If you are submitting a document for an existing entity, then the first step is to log-in to the system with the entity’s pre-assigned Customer ID Number (CID) and PIN. If you have forgotten the CID or PIN, please visit our CID/PIN Recovery page to obtain that information.
- Once you are logged in to the system you will be given a list of all forms that are available for online submission. Please note, not all forms are available for online submission. The forms that are not listed must be submitted by mail or in person. Forms are available at:,4601,7-154-61343_35413_36736---,00.html.
- Select the form that you wish to complete by clicking on the name of the form, then click the submit button. The form you select will be displayed.
- You must complete the form by entering all of the required information. If you fail to enter required information, the system will alert you and request that you enter the missing information.
- You will be prompted to sign the document and insert your title. Additional signatures may be added by clicking Add New Entry to this List.
- Once all required information is entered, click the submit button and you will have an opportunity to review the information submitted.
- If you are satisfied with the information entered, then click the Accept button.
- Online submissions can only be paid by credit card. If you do not have a credit card or do not wish to use a credit card, then you may submit the form by mail or in person with a check or money order. For further information regarding fees, please review the Fee Schedule.
- Once your credit card has been processed, you will be given an acknowledgement screen detailing information regarding the transaction. This screen is similar to a receipt, and you may wish to print this information for your reference.
- Once the credit card transaction is approved, the document will be sent to the Corporations Division for review. If the credit card transaction is not approved, you will have the opportunity to log back into the system at any time, retrieve the information previously submitted, and then resubmit it.
- If the document cannot be filed by the Corporations Division, you will receive an email with the reason for denial. Documents may be resubmitted by logging back into the system, where you can review the previously submitted document, make necessary adjustments, and resubmit the document.
Entering Data into an Online Form
Data is entered on the form by positioning the cursor on the desired input field and typing. Use the Tab key or a mouse click to move from field to field and Backspace key to make corrections. Note: Using the web browser’s back button will clear all data that has been entered.
Problem with Data Types
Certain fields require data to be entered in a specific format, such as numeric only. Entering data in an invalid format in these fields will return an error.
Contact Information
Contact information is required on all online forms. Name, address and email address is required. Phone number is optional. This information is necessary if a submission is rejected or if there are questions about the filing. This information is only used internally, and it is not made available to the public nor is it sold. For more information, please see our Privacy Statement.
Form Specific Information
More specific information regarding individual forms, such as instructions and filing fees, is available on the last page of each form at:,4601,7-154-61343_35413_36736---,00.html.
Optional Expedited Services
Expedited review is available for all documents for corporations, limited liability companies, and limited partnerships.
The nonrefundable expedited service fee is in addition to the regular fees applicable to the specific document.
If you would like to request expedited service, then select the level of expedited service on the online form.
24-hour service - $50 for formation documents and applications for certificate of authority.
24-hour service - $100 for any document concerning an existing entity.
Review completed within 24 business hours of receipt.
Same day service - $100 for formation documents and applications for certificate of authority.
Same day service - $200 for any document concerning an existing entity.
Review completed on day of receipt. Document and request for same day expedited service must be received by 1:00 p.m. EST/EDT.
Two hour - $500
Review completed within two hours on day of receipt. Document and request for two hour expedited service must be received by 3:00 p.m. EST/EDT.
One hour - $1000
Review completed within one hour on day of receipt. Document and request for 1 hour expedited service must be received by 4:00 p.m. EST/EDT.